Pay off any debt faster, pay less interest and boost your savings. Keep your money working 24/7 using a simple process used daily by banks.
Use more of your money to keep more, save more so you can do what’s most important, faster than you ever thought possible.
Too many people’s hard-earned dollars are adding to their bank’s wealth instead of building their financial freedom. CashMap helps you create an easy to use plan that builds financial independence.
These easy-to-follow resources help you to quickly harness the power of CashMap’s strategy, absolutely FREE:
A line of credit is a great wealth-building tool. Make a withdrawal from your line of credit and use it as an additional loan payment to the debt you want to pay off. You’re not increasing your debt.
Here are two simple steps to dramatically lower the interest you pay on your line of credit:
First, schedule to pay your bills on the last day of your line of credit's billing cycle, and second, instead of leaving your dollars sitting idle until you pay your bills, move your income immediately to your line of credit.
Second, when it's time to pay your bills, move the money you need back to your checking account. While your money sits in your line of credit, you will be dramatically lowering the amount of interest that you pay. Less interest paid means additional dollars available to pay off your loan.
Use this strategy for any debt: student loans, mortgages, car loans and, credit cards.
This interactive tool gives you the power to use your own numbers over a 12 month period, create your line-of-credit scenario, and see in detail how your savings are calculated.
Attend a free webinar and see how using the CashMap® Blueprint can enable you to pay off debt quickly without changing your spending so you can fund your kids education, live where you want and, retire early.
Need one-on-one guidance? We’ll help get started on your path to saving thousands of dollars. We guarantee you’ll be amazed by how much you can save. Book your consultation today!