Confidently Strengthen Your Finances, Increase Your Choices and Your Security While Lowering Your Risk and Debt.
In this live webinar, discover how you can confidently strengthen your finances increasing your choices and security while mitigating risk and decreasing debt. It's powerful and transformational. Without changing your spending, you can pay off your debt quickly and save more money faster.
During This Live Webinar, You'll Discover
Use this simple step to motivate, create and achieve your choices.
Use this simple tool to see your savings and the impact of financial decisions you make today.
Use these two easy steps routinely used daily by banks to keep your money working for you 24/7.
Meet The Host
Creator of CashMap, the innovative finance app that shows you how to confidently strengthen your finances by keeping your money working 24/7 giving you a peek into your future giving you choices you've only dreamed about.
Dennis Williams is a creative outside-of-the-box thinker. His passion is for you to learn this simple life skill that will transform your life. He's taken a simple regularly used financial tool and used it to create stunningly effective solutions not taught in professional financial programs.
Dennis is married, has three adult children and lives in Bellingham, WA. He earned his MBA from the University of Hawaii and has over 25 years of executive experience in finance, software development, and human resources.
As a former banking executive, I spent over 25 years in the business. I knew about the average daily balance; however, no one taught us the impact it has on how we manage our money. This strategy has saved my husband and me thousands of dollars.
Mary Kay Robinson, MBA, CNE, CRS Real Estate Broker, Bellingham, WA
Dennis earned my trust giving me the insight to break psychological barriers removing a big weight off my shoulders. This empowered me to make small changes that had a huge impact that will save me over $42,000 in interest.
Avril Aikman-Stoddart, AOGPE
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
CashMap helped me clarify what's most important to me and created a path to achieve it faster than I ever thought possible. It really opened my eyes! We will save almost $89,000 in interest and will pay off $199,000 in debt in four years.
Daryl Murrow, Business Coach, Murrow Group LLC, Olympia WA